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The story of the Meme Studies Index by Idil Galip
When I first started my PhD in 2018, I found it difficult to access up-to-date meme research. I felt that there was a limited amount of resources available and I had already read all of them (I hadn’t). Trying to google something like “articles about internet memes” would result in a flurry of non-academic results, which was not what I was looking for. An ideal place to start for me would have been a meme studies reading list that I could consult for an initial entry into the literature. I couldn’t find such a list, so I gave up and started to build my own library.
/community /essay
Sad African Queen's Favorite Surreal Memes by saqmemes
A collection of memes that are impossible to explain.
Who said you couldn't make art in a FEMA camp? by Mira Mandelbrot
A gallery of the artist's recent work accompanied by an essay on her creative drive and comtemplations on the future. Some inspiration for the start of your 2022.
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The Meme Studies Research Network Index
A collaborative project that collects and presents academic literature about the use, spread and impact of internet memes.
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open calls for submissions
Writing Submissions
We are looking for writing submissions for Virtualgoodsdealer Pages! We are actively seeking written pieces including but not limited to: poetry/prose personal essay how-to guides meme analysis art criticism/reviews fiction & short story We welcome any works of interest, including pieces that have already been posted elsewhere. We can also...
Web Art Submissions
We are looking for web art submissions to display on the exhibits page. The piece can have any focus (art, games, experiences, etc) or subject matter but it must be interactive and accessible from the browser. We are prioritizing pieces that are not hosted on major social media platforms. Check...
General Submissions
We are seeking submissions for Virtualgoodsdealer Pages. We are looking for a variety of media, including but not limited to: Articles & Writing (poetry & creative writing welcome) Digital Artworks & Illustration Fine Art Photography Memes & Alternative Digital Art Digital Zines Tutorials Music Interactive web experiences & browser games...