Idil Galip

Idil Galip

Idil Galip is a writer, researcher and maker from Turkey. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh where she studies digital culture, digital labour and internet memes. She runs the Meme Studies Research Network, and scrolls incessantly. contributions

  • The story of the Meme Studies Index
    When I first started my PhD in 2018, I found it difficult to access up-to-date meme research. I felt that there was a limited amount of resources available and I had already read all of them (I hadn’t). Trying to google something like “articles about internet memes” would result in a flurry of non-academic results, which was not what I was looking for. An ideal place to start for me would have been a meme studies reading list that I could consult for an initial entry into the literature. I couldn’t find such a list, so I gave up and started to build my own library.
  • The Meme Studies Research Network Index
    A collaborative project that collects and presents academic literature about the use, spread and impact of internet memes.
  • Discord Servers for Research and Creative Inspiration That You Can Join Today
    In this article, I feature three discord servers for research outside formal institutions, creative inspiration, or collaborative discussion. My goal is that you, the creatives in our larger virtualgoodsdealer community, will be able to find people to learn and collaborate with.